IndiSpice Indian Restaurant

IndiSpice Indian Restaurant

Telefon: 22 20 96 08


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IndiSpice Indian Restaurant
Categories: Unknown

Nøkkel kontaktinformasjon for IndiSpice Indian Restaurant
22 20 96 08
Mandag: Stengt
Tirsdag - ​Lørdag: 16:00 - 22:00
Søndag: 15:00 - 21:00
Welhavens gate 2, Oslo, Norway 0166

0 Kundeanmeldelse
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Ny virksomhetsprofil

Come and enjoy the rich and flavorful dishes of Indian cuisine at Indispice Oslo Indian Restaurant. Located in the heart of Oslo, we offer a delightful dining experience that will satisfy your taste buds. Our skilled chefs blend traditional Indian spices with modern cooking techniques to create delicious and memorable dishes.

  • Ny virksomhetsprofil

    Come and enjoy the rich and flavorful dishes of Indian cuisine at Indispice Oslo Indian Restaurant. Located in the heart of Oslo, we offer a delightful dining experience that will satisfy your taste buds. Our skilled chefs blend traditional Indian spices with modern cooking techniques to create delicious and memorable dishes.

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IndiSpice Indian Restaurant

Bekreftet ID: 24597d44be75431bd2d3d1d98a3c376b

verifisert 08/08/2024 @ 13:14:49
Oppdatert 08/08/2024 @ 13:19:30